
Greek Islands Eyewitness Travel Guide

320 pages Published: 31 Aug 2021 125 x 217mm Dorling Kindersley Discover varied
landscapes, stunning beaches and picturesque towns with the DK Eyewitness Travel
Guide The Greek Islands. Explore Rhodes' old town with its medieval city walls,
visit Crete's spectacular Samariá Gorge and admire the white villages clinging
to volcanic cliffs on Santoríni. Consider island hopping between the Cyclades
and Dodecanese Islands or around the Ionian Islands to find some of the most
beautiful beaches in Greece. Then find the best things to do in Athens, from
exploring the Acropolis to shopping in Pláka. This Eyewitness guide includes
fantastic photography and illustrations, plus detailed maps and a selection of
the most authentic hotels and restaurants. Winner of the Top Guidebook Series in
the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. Greek Islands (Görög szigetek)

Ár: 8.460 Ft
A hirdető: Kereskedőtől
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
Állapota: Új
Feladás dátuma: 2024.04.25
Eddig megtekintették 57 alkalommal
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Greek Islands Eyewitness Travel Guide

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