
EXPLORATE gördeszka

EXPLORATE Skateboard is suitable for beginners who want to learn something new
in a skate park or just ride down the street. The Chinese maple board is heavier
and designed primarily for street driving and learning basic tricks. The trucks
have a standard size of 5''. The wheels have a hardness of 99A, thanks to which
they ensure optimal grip in the skatepark, they are fast and more suited for
smoother surfaces. The size of the wheels 50*36 mm is more suitable for
technical driving and because the diameter of the wheels is smaller, the board
is lower to the ground, which achieves better handling and stability.

Ár: 16.990 Ft
A hirdető: Kereskedőtől
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
Sportfelszerelési termék: Korcsolyák, Gördeszkák, Görkorcsolyák
Feladás dátuma: 2024.04.30
Eddig megtekintették 26 alkalommal
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EXPLORATE gördeszka

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